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CHRISTIAN MERLI News index (57)

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Christian Merli 2nd overall at Tenerife

Christian Merli racing the Osella PA21 4C Turbo in Tenerife

Christian Merli fourth overall at the 2nd Trentino Rallye

Test for Christian Merli at the 2nd Trentino Rallye

Merli in Germany 2nd among single-seaters and 5th overall

Christian Merli racing at Pikes Peak in Colorado on Sunday

Christian Merli racing at the 22nd Levico – Vetriolo

Merli 2nd at Salita del Costo, 0”40 behind the leader

Christian Merli testing at the Salita del Costo

Merli achieves best time in practice but decides not to start

Christian Merli racing the Osella 4C Turbo in Tuscany

Christian Merli: Crash in Spain

Test race for Christian Merli in southern Spain

Christian Merli on the Wolf Aurobay at Pikes Peak

Crazy weather in the Canary Islands

Christian Merli racing at the 18th Subida Los Loros at Tenerife

Silver for Christian Merli at the 20th Subida Arona at Tenerife

Christian Merli racing at the 20th Subida Arona at Tenerife

Merli at the Rally del Brunello: a puncture, then a comeback

Merli: From Portugal to the Rally del Brunello in Tuscany

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