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Christian Merli racing an Osella PA 2000 in Croatia

After four consecutive wins in the European championship, Christian Merli will be racing in Croatia, at the 16th edition of the Nagrada Grada Skradina, the third round of the Croatian championship, at the wheel of the Osella PA 2000 Honda LRM. The Scuderia Vimotorsport driver won on this track in 2020. It is located between Zadar and Split, about 400 km from Trieste.

A change of cars for the champion from Trentino
“I’ll be racing the Osella PA 2000, thus going back to the roots. I have great memories of driving this two-seater sports car; it was an enormous success for us. My friend Pasquale Nolè is letting me use this two-litre Honda LRM which I haven’t driven since 2014. I’m certainly going to have fun, because it’s agile, fast and light. The difference to my FA 30? The PA 2000 is 80 kg lighter, and it has 340 hp compared to the FA 30’s 500. 160 hp less than the car I’ve won in Europe with. Its torque is excellent, it has a 6-gear paddle shift and Avon tyres, and it races in Group E2-SC, that of the two-seater sports cars.”

The programme
“It’s a beautiful place, and the organisers, friends and fans have asked us to be there. We accepted immediately, even if I haven’t raced this model for eight years. Three practice runs and two race runs on a 3.385 km track which has many medium-slow bends and some straights to be taken in 6th gear.”

Ruth Scheithauer

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